
Monday Apr 29, 2024
SVPPA EP44 May 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
We have a cracking podcast for you this month.
We start by looking back at last year's Reunion with Lilian Adrian and Michael. We also talk about how the reunions have changed over the years.
Michael looks back on the events from the past year.
Adrian shares 3 songs that have memories from his time at school.
Adrian has a chat with our Chair Person Gemma in the first part of her story since leaving school.
Michael Finishes with news on this year's reunion taking place in June.
Keep up to date with what is going on in the following ways.
Search Facebook for SVPPA for the group and page
Visit the website at www.svppa.org.uk
Until next time take care and see you in June at the reunion

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
SVPPA EP43 We are back
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Welcome to episode 43 of the SVPPA podcast for April 2023! In this episode, we have an exciting lineup of content for you.
It was great to have Jo back from VI Talk helping me Host again.
First up, we have our two-minute challenges where our guests, Adrian, Danielle, and Paul, will tell us about themselves for two minutes. It's always fun to learn more about our guests and what they're passionate about.
Next, we have a chat with Adrian and Julie about last year's reunion. They'll be sharing their favorite moments and memories from the event,
Following that, we have a special talk from Salim Patel about his career. Salim is a well-known BBC journalist who has covered some of the most significant stories of our time. We're honored to have him on the show and would like to thank the BBC for allowing us to use this content.
As always, if you want to get in touch with the SVPPA community, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter by searching for SVPPA, or you can email us at svppa2022@gmail.com. Thanks for listening, and we'll see you next time!

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
It is with great pleasure that we have this short podcat of Ian Beverley talking at our recent SVOPA AGM.
Ian talks about his radio work on Ultimate Radio UK and how what he is doing now started when he was at St Vincent's.
You can tune into Ultimate Radio UK by asking your smart speaker to play Ultimate Radio UK or go to the website https://www.ultimateradio.co.uk/
We hope you enjoy this episode and don't forget you can listen to all our older Episode on your podcast catcher of choice or at www.svopa.co.uk
Please contact SVOPA
Email info@svopa.co.uk
Search SVOPA on Facebook and Twitter

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
SVOPA EP41 November 2018. Memoral Service for former staff and past pupils.
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Welcome to Episode 41 of the SVOPA Podcast.
This time is a little different as Jane and Michael bring you the Memorial service held at school by the SVOPA on the 10th of November 2018, for former staff and past pupils
We apologise for the recording quality, however, we hope that you do get a sense of the service at the school.
We are aware that when we read the names out of former staff and past pupils we will not have mentioned everyone. We will continue to add these people to our remembrance book which is in the chapel at school.

Monday Sep 03, 2018
SVOPA EP 40 September 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Hi everyone, and welcome to the September 2018 podcast.
Jo is back with me this time to bring everything together. she also gives us an update on where VI Talk is now
This month we have an interview with Heidi who a number of us will remember who is now a singer we get to hear one of her songs and find out more about her time at school and since.
Paul Laing joins gives a report on this year's successful reunion held on the 16th June at the school.
Danielle joins us again as she tells us about the Prize giving and school sports day. She also tells us what she has been up to since we last spoke
We also speak to Gena Heyden who is currently the music teacher at the school and she tells us about the project "Shine like a diamond" and how we can get involved. along with information about herself.
Please get in touch for future podcasts or follow us on Facebook and Twitter by searching SVOPA
You can email info@svopa.co.uk or check out all the other podcasts at www.svopa.co.uk
So until next time

Saturday Jan 20, 2018
SVOPA EP 39 January 2018
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
Saturday Jan 20, 2018
We are back again with a quick episode with some updates and information. our next one will be the main newsletter CD for the year so we would love to hear from here before then on anything you have to say info@svopa.co.uk
On here we have audio from Last Mays London meetup with Shaun and Paul doing our famous 2-minute challenge. We want you to try and talk for 2 minutes about school or yourself.
We have a video which school have released recently. we include the audio but here is the link to youtube
We mention the sad passing of our good friend and member of staff Joe Lampton.
We want to hear from you so email us info@svopa.co.uk or see us on Facebook or Twitter
Until next time

Friday Mar 17, 2017
SVOPA EP 38 CD Spring Summer 2017
Friday Mar 17, 2017
Friday Mar 17, 2017
Hi and welcome to Episode 38 of the SVOPA Podcast. This is very similar to the CD that members will receive. however we have included an extra track from Marcia at the very end.
On this time we have an interview with Colin Evans about his time at school and since,
We speak to Jane Readfirn Gray about her book Onions in the Washing Machine which you can get from www.feedaread.com.
We have 2 tracks from Marcia, Downtown and Stand By Me from her album which is raising money for the samaritans. if you want a copy contact us.
We speak to Jane Massey about some of the things she has done at school over the past 18 months.
And we also hear from Jenni Armstrong about her recent trip to Nepal.
Through the Podcast we talk about the upcoming reunion and events so please take a listen and we hope to hear from you soon
Contact us
Email info@svopa.co.uk
search facebook and twitter for SVOPA
check out the older podcasts at www.svopa.co.uk
So till next time
Michael and Jo.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Welcome to Episode 37 of the Podcast
Sorry its been so long since the last one, but we are back again.
This is also the CD that is going out to members too.
On here this month we have all the details for the upcoming reunion taking place on the 28th of May 2016 along with the School snap shot with Jennie Armstrong, We catch up again with Jo Fishwick.
This month we have Joe Robinson co hosting and we also talk to him about the last 5 months since his Kidney Transplant.
Remember you can get in touch either by email info@svopa.co.uk or just search facebook twitter for SVOPA